We are experiencing some technical difficulties as we move our website from one platform to another. We are sorry about this and working to fix this as quickly as possible.

Training Application

Please complete the application below as fully and as comprehensively as you can. If, prior to filling out the application form, you would like to speak to an advisor then please telephone the Institute on 0044 (0)20 8202 4525.

As filling out this application form may take some time to complete, we strongly advise that applicants compile answers in a separate document on their computer before copy/pasting and submitting them through this form! Some web browsers may ‘time out’ your session with this page after a certain amount of time has passed. This means that your answers might not submit correctly if too many hours/days are spent within this page.

Upcoming Taining Dates
In Person

Application Form

2025 (January 2025 to June 2025) In-Person Training
Emergency Contact Information
Please ensure that your referees are someone you know in a professional capacity. Family members and/or close relations are not permissable.
Please attach your CV file using the "Add File" button.
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“A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love”
