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Advanced Clinical Therapy Training – Modules 3 & 4


MA Psychosynthesis Leadership and Organisational Coaching

Diploma in Psychosynthesis Leadership and Organisational Coaching

Enables successful students to apply for APECS Accredited Master Executive Coach

The challenge for leaders today in an increasingly complex and changing environment is to become more authentic to themselves and to the people they work with. Psychosynthesis Leadership and Organisational Coaching provides a context for working with the realisation and expression of the Self within the context of leading Self, others and organisational systems. To ‘hold’ and support leaders in this way requires a depth of psychological training and psychospiritual awareness, combined with advanced coaching skills.

Module 3C is the Coaching Module which provides this coach training and development, leading to an Institute diploma award in Psychosynthesis Leadership and Organisational Coaching. Module 3C follows on from the Module 2C Coaching Skills Training option, after which students begin coaching practice with group supervision at the end of Module 2.

With the addition of a Coaching Thesis, students have the option to gain an MA in Psychosynthesis Leadership and Organisational Coaching award, which is validated by Middlesex University.

Module 3C can also be attended as a standalone course by previous Institute graduates or current counselling students, leading to an Institute Diploma in 5DL Coaching.

Module 3C Course Seminars Overview

The psychosynthesis leadership and Organisational coaching seminars are:

  1. 5DL/1DL (2days)

Review of 5DL as a model of Coaching of individuals, teams and organisations (2days)

  1. 5DL Review and context for all psychosynthesis coaching 
  2. Professional practice – practical, personal and professional challenges of coaching; finding your professional identity and building your practice.
  3. Repositioning Trifocal vision and working with next small step

1DL - 1DL: The Ability to Self Reflect - Self Awareness or Personal Awareness 

How to work with and coach the development of 1DL with individuals and groups

  1. It is important not to confuse self-reflection with what we spend most of our lives doing. That is, thinking and feeling and reacting to what’s outside us, reacting to the world out there. It is all out there, and it becomes the object of our thinking and feeling.
  2. As we begin to self-reflect something very different begins to happen. We start to realise that much of what is going on around us with ourselves and others ‘out there’ is actually as a result of what we ourselves are thinking and feeling. That is to say, what is going on in here – within us. It is not until we stop and reflect back on our thoughts and how we were feeling, that we realise that what we are doing and what we are thinking and feeling is causing us to behave the way we do.
  3. So as we consciously stop and reflect so we begin to realise that we are actually the subject of our thoughts and feelings rather than being the victim or object of ‘what’s out there’. This is for many such a powerful insight! 
  4. 1. Understand, and free yourself from controlling mindsets
  5. Working with Mindsets – individuals, teams, systems using a self-reflective process.
  1. What is the mindset – how would you describe it? 
  2. How does this mindset affect your behaviour as a leader?
  3. How strong is it? (pick strong ones) (score yourself (1-10).
  4. How long have you had this mindset (trace back as far as you can)?
  5. How did it get set up/start in the first place? What did it serve (protect?) at that time. Feel any feelings associated with this question. 
  6. How does it limit you today? How does it get in the way?
  7. Do you need its strong protection today? If not, are you ready to let go of it being this strong?

  1. 2DL /3DL (2days)some text
    1. How to work with and coach the development of 2DL - Reflection of our Impact on Other People, Awareness of Others – Their Differences and Different Cultures, and the Dynamics that Different Individuals Bring to One Another, to Groups and to Teamssome text
      1. increasing awareness of oneself enables the leader to develop and become far more effective in their relationship with others, both in terms of how they deal with different people but also how they help and facilitate others to work more effectively together in groups and in teams and what it means to be in what I call right relations
      2. We will explore - Awareness of our own impact upon, and interaction with, others.
      3. Awareness of what it means for the leader to become aware of others interaction with one another and the nature of groups and teams.
      4. Levels of listening

Levels of Listening

Source: Joseph Jaworksi in Senge et al. (2004)

  1. How to Use Team Profiling Tools - 3600
  2. How to Create and Build Teams 
  3. How to work with group dynamicssome text
    1. Group work and team-building are so critical because it is at the level of teams and small groups that change is determined at the global level and as such are the agencies for change within the larger and more complex organisation. ‘Think globally and act locally’ is the dictum for team-building.

3DL - Awareness of System Dynamics and System Forces 

  1. How to work with and coach the development of 3DL at different levelssome text
    1. An Ability to See and Work with System Forces
    2. Culture 

Kilmann’s holographic diamond model of culture

Source: Kilmann, 1984

  1. 4DL/5DL (2days)

4DL - Ability to Freely Stand in the Wind, The Will to Deliver and Act Notwithstanding

  1. How to work with and coach the development of 4DL at different levels

This is about training the coach to work with and evoke the leader’s innate free will3 and freedom to act, to ‘make things happen’ despite sometimes great resistance and reaction from those around them. These are the leaders who demonstrate the ability to freely ‘stand in the wind’, and ‘bend with the wind’, but also to hold their ground and keep going until there is delivery and it is followed through. This they do repeatedly and become highly respected for delivering.

Figure 6.2, which illustrates the movement between Awareness and Will. In terms of 5DL, the left-hand side of the U model describes the ability to self-reflect using the abilities of 1DL, 2DL and 3DL. And when appropriate act out of that ‘Prescencing’ (Jaworski), or self-awareness (5DL).

Diagram of a diagram of a variety of stagesDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Jaworski , Seven Capacities of the U Movement

Source: Jaworski (2012)

5DL - How to work with and coach the development of 5DL at different levels

  1. 5DL: Willingness to Ask for Appropriate Help and Support  - Openness to Being Supported

If I am open enough and able to sincerely ask for appropriate help and support then humility comes in and ensures that what is happening is not a power trip or just inflation of the ego.

This whole process is cyclical and builds sustainability, for in being open to help and acting from the best I know then I will self-reflect on the effect of my actions/decisions on others and the system, and I will become more and more open to feedback and to making course corrections which in turn help and enable me to connect increasingly to the values underlying what I am doing and seeing.

This is about enabling the coach to facilitate the leader’s willingness to show that they can’t do everything alone, to be visible with their needs and limitations, and in that sense to expose the reality of who they really are. For many leaders this is dangerous ground!

What we are training the coach to do is to help leaders express humility. This is a great quality because it not only brings leaders closer to their management teams and employees, but also encourages similar candidness and humility in others.

To develop this 5th DL it is clear that you need to deeply understand your own limitations and vulnerabilities. I say deeply because 5DL is intimately connected to all the other DLs.

The psychosynthesis psychology seminars are;

PT7a Triphasic Model (2 days)

Course Aims: The Triphasic Model developed by Joan Evans (1995) provides an illuminative, diagnostic framework for psychospiritual psychology. Here we identify and explore the three dimensions of consciousness: the prepersonal, the personal and the transpersonal; to enable students to deepen their understanding of psychosynthesis as a context.

CT6a Transference and Countertransference (2 days).

Course Aims: to deepen the notions of transference and countertransference and understand theoretically the importance of transference and countertransference in the containment of the psychotherapeutic setting and practically consider ways of working with these dynamics in the client setting.


A total of 20 case presentations (inclusive of 2C supervisions) in a small supervision group – with an accredited Psychosynthesis Coaching supervisor 

M3C Course Duration

Six months part-time minimum commitment.

MA Programme Duration

For the MA in Psychosynthesis Leadership and Organisational Coaching, the Coaching Thesis module is required which can take place alongside or over the year following Module 3C.

Inclusive of Modules 1, 2 and 2C, the MA in Psychosynthesis Leadership Coaching involves a total minimum time commitment of approximately 2.5 years.

Entry Requirements for the Module 3C and MA Coaching Thesis Module

Successful Completion of Modules 1, 2 (Core Training) including 2C (Coaching Skills Training)

More Information

Please contact Roger H Evans, Director of Coaching, for more information on all the coaching pathways, options and outcomes or to arrange a one-to-one zoom conversation.